The Pond Laws Are... Kinda Weird


The Pond Logo With Cancel Fogo

    Hey, all this website is not dead y'all haha. The Pond is presumed to be in the US (they speak English, Various US cities are referenced as the animal's hometown, and Tony says, "Somebody call the FAA!!"

 This puts it under the US Constitution and various state laws and boy are these laws and the laws of physics violated. In one case, Floyd the Turtle is thrown in jail for whining!!! The mayor creates a law saying that it is illegal after the people whine at him. This clearly violates Floyd's 1st Amendment rights to free speech and the supreme court of the state or the US should have struck down that rule. Also, the fact that Floys is a Toddler who can barely read should be put into consideration. WHY IS HE EVEN IN JAIL!!!    We will get back to The Pond government which is WEAK

    The second law that is violated is logic. When Floyd the Turtle disrespects someone taste leaves The Pond but only affects Floys and his friends, NOT, the doctor and presumably the other animals at The Pond. This does not make any sense. Dr. Holstein said that 'the problem magnified itself,' but why did taste not leave him or the other animals? The only solution to this is that the omniscient writer or narrator did this intentionally which is kinda weird.  

    Lastly, The Pond's government, apart from being incompetent and unconstitutional, is insanely weak. The  Pond was supposed to have a marble event that brought vendors out, however, the cement deck was made on THE DAY OF THE EVENT at Bills House for no good reason. However, Bill was not able to get there on time because Tony did not fulfill an obligation causing Bill to be late, the cement became a sculpture instead of a flat deck. This meant the vendors did not make any money causing people to blame the mayor for the problems and Kick him out I think.

    This makes no sense. Why did Bill help pull weeds on the day the cement was coming? If the fate of the entire town economy and the city government rests on you being at your house at a specific time you will stay home and be there on time!! Also, why was the cement at Bill's house and not on government property? Why was the cement poured on the DAY OF the event? All around incompetence from everyone. 


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