
The Heavens Declare: Tech

             The Heavens Declare...that AIO is full of overlapping technology. Adventures in Odyssey released their latest episode 'The Heaves Declare' to the club on Friday. However, the tech used in the episode is interesting.       Rene Carter talks about the new gallery, which is enhanced with Imagination Station tech. This turns the talking picture frames....into a really big room with people in it...but why when the Room of Consequence already exists?? The episode has Rene talking to various historical Christian scientists, but it doesn't make sense that the room of consequence could not be used for that instead. Very interesting. Also in this upcoming album 'The Smouse Show' will be released with Jay in the Room of Consequence.    Jesus Loves You Sin doesn’t go away on it’s own. Somebody has to pay for it. Who could it be? God knew there was only one choice: His own Son Jesus. Jesus came to earth and did something we could never do: He obeyed perfectly. He ne

Does Odyssey...Know What The NSA Does?

 The NSA, is America's famed digital spy agency.  Up until recently, the government denied it existence. However, we now have information about what they do and don't do. However, does Odyssey know this? Their go-to spy character, Jason Whittaker, works for the NSA but does the job of the FBI, NSA, CIA, and potentially the DIA.      Jason Whittaker plays a pivotal role in the Balackaard saga as a counter-terrorism agent investigating Red Scorpion in a Name not Number. The NSA does not really have counter-terrorism agents traveling all over the globe, however, they do have agent swho travel to spy on the communications networks of other countries. Tasha could have been doing thas and the agency sends Jason over there to rescue her so that is feasible.      In another episode, Jason produces a device that can hack into a computer via an IR port. WHile I have never seen such a device, the NSA does have devices that are not available to the public. It would make sense for this to h

Episode 602: Boy Was I right

Let's talk about episode 602. As some of you know, I think about school in a geopolitical sense all the time. This, and my work with the agency, has caused one of my most famous phrases, "Teenage dating is a threat to national security." Also, most of my values are rooted in AIO episodes!! I just re-listened to AIO episode 602, and boy does this episode prove me correct. The episode starts with a scene between Mandy and Trent at lunch. They talk, have some corny jokes, and Trent leaves to talk to Max. Trent wants to tell the truth about the Valentine to Mandy. Max then threatens Trent with blackmail. Trent then tells Connie about his crush and the Valentine he delivered on behalf of Max, and Connie writes it down, at the behest of Trent. Mandy then steals the essay, turns it into class, then it gets printed in the paper, Max finds out, goes on KYDS Radio, and Mandy, Trent, Liz all go to try to stop him. They argue, tell secrets about each other until they all realize the

YAYYY Paws And Tales Is Live

 Paws and Tales in live!! EP 70 can be heard on their website and streamed on!! The episode features a new narrator and builds off the old storylines from yesteryear. The actors sound good they just need more time with each other to build chemistry.      The episode ends on another cliffhanger (ugh cause there are only 4 more confirmed episodes) but it does establish that Mr. Rockler will stay in town for a long time and that the new baby in the episode could be "The One." Now the older episodes hinted (even outright mentioned) that CJ would be "The One" so this is an interesting development.   Jesus Loves You Sin doesn’t go away on it’s own. Somebody has to pay for it. Who could it be? God knew there was only one choice: His own Son Jesus. Jesus came to earth and did something we could never do: He obeyed perfectly. He never messed up. He never even had a bad thought. But He still took the horrible punishment for sin by dying on the cross. God put a

How I Wish Kidsboro Was Real!!

       Imagine this, a town where kids run the place. Mysteries to solve. Friends to hang out with. Wars to fight, political scandal, and daring acts of heroism.        Kidsboro had that and more!! They had a functional political system. Ryan Cummings is under investigation by the press and they bug his office!!!  Valerie Swanson uses crushes and violence to manipulate people!!! (See I told you)  She creates a simulated crime wave to bankrupt the town and become the mayor!!! However an investigation by the press that involves WIRETAPPING clears the government and Ryan is written back into office!! Oh how I long to do in investigation that involves wiretapping. Later in the series the secret military weapon tht Kidsboro has are STOLEN!!! They have a national flower, bird, and, their own flag!!  If Kidsboro was real I would be there every day. There are no places for kids to start wars, create a government, and spy on their frinds to bring them to justice. Part of me has attempted to emu

Adventures In Odyssey Launches Lent Devotional

       Adventures in Odyssey is launching a Lent devotional series. All you have to do is fill out the form on this link and they will be sent to you. Other popular audio drama companies that have devotionals are Keys for Kids/Unlocked Devotionals.   Jesus Loves You Sin doesn’t go away on it’s own. Somebody has to pay for it. Who could it be? God knew there was only one choice: His own Son Jesus. Jesus came to earth and did something we could never do: He obeyed perfectly. He never messed up. He never even had a bad thought. But He still took the horrible punishment for sin by dying on the cross. God put all of His anger on Jesus. Jesus didn’t deserve that! Why did He take the punishment for something He didn’t do? He did it so that you and I don’t have to. You mean we don’t have to pay for our own sins? Now that’s GOOD NEWS! Jesus didn’t stay dead. After three days He rose again to show everyone He has the power to give eternal life. If we trust in Him, God has no more punishment for

What If All The Kids In Odyssey Had Their Journal Hacked

     Morrie Rydell, Zoe Grant, and the pastor's kid hall have one thing in common. They all have computer journals. Emily has an audio case log. The PKs got hacked, Morrie had access to Emily's phone, and Whit had access to Morries. What if all of them got hacked. What if all the kids in town have computer journals!!      In the election episode about 30 years ago Courtney's journal got leaked to the media!!! Creating a political scandal!!!  Whit used the journal as evidence against Morrie, and the video journal leak caused a pastor to be caught up in a media-produced 'scandal.' Hacks are easy in Odyssey from the multiple times Whits End has been hacked (wardialing/dialup WiFi hacking, website hacking) to a phishing link to get to a video diary from the PK, to grade-changing scandals.      What if worse happened though  !! What if a 0-day vulnerability was uncovered in the journaling software. We know Odyssey is a hub for espionage. If this happened severe consequen