The NSA, is America's famed digital spy agency. Up until recently, the government denied it existence. However, we now have information about what they do and don't do. However, does Odyssey know this? Their go-to spy character, Jason Whittaker, works for the NSA but does the job of the FBI, NSA, CIA, and potentially the DIA. Jason Whittaker plays a pivotal role in the Balackaard saga as a counter-terrorism agent investigating Red Scorpion in a Name not Number. The NSA does not really have counter-terrorism agents traveling all over the globe, however, they do have agent swho travel to spy on the communications networks of other countries. Tasha could have been doing thas and the agency sends Jason over there to rescue her so that is feasible. In another episode, Jason produces a device that can hack into a computer via an IR port. WHile I have never seen such a device, the NSA does have devices that are not available to the public. It...
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