Episode 602: Boy Was I right
Let's talk about episode 602. As some of you know, I think about school in a geopolitical sense all the time. This, and my work with the agency, has caused one of my most famous phrases, "Teenage dating is a threat to national security." Also, most of my values are rooted in AIO episodes!! I just re-listened to AIO episode 602, and boy does this episode prove me correct. The episode starts with a scene between Mandy and Trent at lunch. They talk, have some corny jokes, and Trent leaves to talk to Max. Trent wants to tell the truth about the Valentine to Mandy. Max then threatens Trent with blackmail. Trent then tells Connie about his crush and the Valentine he delivered on behalf of Max, and Connie writes it down, at the behest of Trent. Mandy then steals the essay, turns it into class, then it gets printed in the paper, Max finds out, goes on KYDS Radio, and Mandy, Trent, Liz all go to try to stop him. They argue, tell secrets about each other until they all realize the ...