The Pond
The Pond Episode is a fairly decent episode. The first one starts off with Bill the Duck attempting to learn how to sing, and ends with a lesson on Spiritual Gifts. Here are some ramblings about the content in the episode. Bill wants to learn how to sing, so he can win a prize.
Floyd the turtle says that you learn to sing in the shower over the course of 2 showers a day = singing in 15 years and 30 if you are a once a dayer. He says it you shower once a week it to forget about it. Well I did some calculations and found out that you would need 10957.5 showers. (about 5478.75 days in 15 years multiplied by 2) Then I did the calculation that if you did it once a week that would be 10957.5 showers divided by 52 weeks in a year. Or you could do 15 weeks times 14. This came out to 210.721153846years. This means that it would take 210 years to learn to sing if you shower once a day. This was an interesting tidbit.
In another scene Tony the Frog attempts to sing and finds out he sings really well. He then cannot teach Bill to sing because he thought he sang badly, he does not know why he sings goodly. Bill then corrects him on his grammar, which is unusual because Tony is usually the grammar expert. When Bill says you sing well (correcting his grammar) Tony takes that as a compliment.
Tony then displays his singing to his friends until they all leave because of his singing, and even the trees walk away. Tony then learns a lesson about being himself and not being prideful and not being a showing off. Methuselah the Alligator then uses his spiritual gift of Singing which is amazing he has a deep voice and a girl voice while singing "Swing Low Sweet Chariot." He even splices in a little bit of Bills singing into the song. The story ends with Bill winning the Chomp mobile.
Plot Points/Inaccuracies
- Bill says that he wants to learn to sing to learn a chomp mobile
- Methuselahs singing is never brought up again, but he goes to church with the same type of singing.
- Bill memorized the void where prohibited fine print and recites it really quickly to Tony the Frog, but he does not read/remember the fine print that says that all entries are accepted with the inclusion of 15 Box Tops.
- Bill wins without entering because Methuselah secretly records him and submits on his behalf.
- This show is meant for smaller children, and Methuselah says the work exhorts, I know when I was 5, I did not know what that word meant.
- The trees move away to go to a quiet place when Tony is singing. This is foreshadowed by Bill asking the trees for help with singing.
- Bill was the only one disturbed by the mangled lyrics of 'Singing in the Rain'
- Tony gets prideful in the episode with a song lyric that says (referencing singing) 'because I can and you cannot'
- Tony says for a spiritual song (I'm singing in the Pue)
- This is one of the episodes where the Narrator does not say something three times in a row.
Sin doesn’t go away on it’s own. Somebody has to pay for it. Who could it be? God knew there was only one choice: His own Son Jesus. Jesus came to earth and did something we could never do: He obeyed perfectly. He never messed up. He never even had a bad thought. But He still took the horrible punishment for sin by dying on the cross. God put all of His anger on Jesus. Jesus didn’t deserve that! Why did He take the punishment for something He didn’t do? He did it so that you and I don’t have to. You mean we don’t have to pay for our own sins? Now that’s GOOD NEWS!
He takes our bad out and puts His good in. Do you still mess up sometimes? Me too. But now we can have something we didn’t have before: forgiveness! Pray and ask God to forgive your sins because of what Jesus did. Instead of being guilty you’ll be forgiven. Now that’s not just good news – that’s the BEST news! Do you know how to look up verses in your Bible? Give these a try to read more about the best news ever.
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