The Pond

 The Pond is an interesting audio drama. It features a turtle named Floyd, an Alligator named, Methuselah, an duck named Bill, and a frog named Tony. These animals learn lessons and learn lessons.

The Narrator   

    He is a benevolent but controling figure. In one story he forced Tony to donate money. To read more about him click here.


    A preschooler turtle that likes sweets. He usually learns lessons around weeks and disrespecting his mother. He love God and his friends and family. 


    A frog with a Italian accent. He seems to learn the most lessons. He learns lessons about sharing and no being selfish. He loves fun and often gets in conflicts with Bill who sides with Methuselah often. 


    Bill is a duck who is very smart, hates germs and likes to read. He is also a good cook. He sides with Methuselah often, and does not get into much trouble. Wen he does get a lesson, it is sometimes about forgiveness, and persistence. (He used to be a terrible cook.)



    Methuselah is a alligator who is very old a wise. He rarely gets intro trouble, and when he does learn a lesson it is with his friends. He does lots of volunteer work and once made over 80,000 dollars as a CEO to donate to a radio station.

And for the requested fanfic

Narrator: It was a cold day at the Pond. Floyd: Cold or cool I cant remember. Bill: Get a sweater, Floyd, said Bill the duck. 

Floyd: Ok Tony: Hi guys, how's the water Methuse. The water's cold said Methusula the alligator. Is it icy yet, said Bill the duck? No, the layer is too thin, said Methusula the alligator, Don't go in. All: OK! Tony: Who wants to play checkers? All, Sure. Narrator: It was Bill vs Methusula and Tony vs Floyd. Tony made quick work of Floyd. But Bill gave Methuselah a challenge. Eventually, Methuselah prevailed. Bill: If I go here I die, but if I go here I die. Good game Methuselah. Sorry about that I don't like to see others lose. Narrator: It was Methuselah vs Tony, the battle for the ages. Bill was excited to watch, while Floyd wanted a donut. I'm going to get a donut, said Floyd, the turtle. Bill: Ok, but don't walk through the ice or you will fall in. OK! Floyd let go get a donut and walked around The Pond. Meanwhile, Methuselah was a few moves away from destroying Tony. Hey, whined Tony the Frog. Don't help Methuselah, he has a brain larger than me. Floyd was happily munching on his donut when it happened. Floyd: (Humming Song) Lets go The Pond come along its always best. OH NO!! He saw his friend Slick the Salamander walking on the ice. Floyd called out, but it was no use. Floyd ran (as only a turtle could) across the ice and threw Slick off the ice. Woah ooh oh. Flew Slick, right on to the checker's board. Crash all the pieces flew off. Tony: Thanks Slick, I was going to lose. Slick: It's Floyd, he fell on the ice... Oh no! The animals ran off before Slick could explain that Floyd did it for his own good. The animals got to the edge of The Pond, and Bill tried to fly over and Pull Floyd up. It was no use, Floyd was too heavy and slippery. Methuselah quickly swam over to the crack and pulled Floyd out of The Pond. Methuselah: I thought we told you not to go in The Pond. Floyd: You di did did butttt. Slick ran up panting, "You don't understand, He saved my life. I was on the ice and Floyd saved me." Methuselah: Oh, well done Floyd, you demonstrated Christ's love towards others. He died and rose again for your sins. And all you have to do is accept it like Slick accepted your help. Yeah, thanks, Floyd. No prob b lemmm. Bill: Let's get you some hot chocolate and a donut. 

Our Friend learned  that day the true meaning of the laying down ones life for their friends. 

Todays Pond episode is brought to you by TheOdysseyBoi 

Verse John 10:35 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

      Jesus Loves You 

    Sin doesn’t go away on it’s own. Somebody has to pay for it. Who could it be? God knew there was only one choice: His own Son Jesus. Jesus came to earth and did something we could never do: He obeyed perfectly. He never messed up. He never even had a bad thought. But He still took the horrible punishment for sin by dying on the cross. God put all of His anger on Jesus. Jesus didn’t deserve that! Why did He take the punishment for something He didn’t do? He did it so that you and I don’t have to. You mean we don’t have to pay for our own sins? Now that’s GOOD NEWS! 

    Jesus didn’t stay dead. After three days He rose again to show everyone He has the power to give eternal life. If we trust in Him, God has no more punishment for us. Instead He offers us eternal life in heaven. When Jesus takes the sin out of our hearts He puts something else in it’s place: His perfect life. God sees Jesus’ goodness in us instead of our badness. Jesus’ good days cover all of our yucky days.

He takes our bad out and puts His good in. Do you still mess up sometimes? Me too. But now we can have something we didn’t have before: forgiveness! Pray and ask God to forgive your sins because of what Jesus did. Instead of being guilty you’ll be forgiven. Now that’s not just good news – that’s the BEST news! Do you know how to look up verses in your Bible? Give these a try to read more about the best news ever. 

    John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Accept Christ today by admitting you are a sinner. Believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose again. Choose Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You are now a new Christian!!


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