The Heavens Declare: Tech
The Heavens Declare...that AIO is full of overlapping technology. Adventures in Odyssey released their latest episode 'The Heaves Declare' to the club on Friday. However, the tech used in the episode is interesting. Rene Carter talks about the new gallery, which is enhanced with Imagination Station tech. This turns the talking picture frames....into a really big room with people in it...but why when the Room of Consequence already exists?? The episode has Rene talking to various historical Christian scientists, but it doesn't make sense that the room of consequence could not be used for that instead. Very interesting. Also in this upcoming album 'The Smouse Show' will be released with Jay in the Room of Consequence. Jesus Loves You Sin doesn’t go away on it’s own. Somebody has to pay for it. Who could it be? God knew there was only one choice: His own Son Jesus. Jesus came to earth and did someth...