How I Wish Kidsboro Was Real!!

Imagine this, a town where kids run the place. Mysteries to solve. Friends to hang out with. Wars to fight, political scandal, and daring acts of heroism. Kidsboro had that and more!! They had a functional political system. Ryan Cummings is under investigation by the press and they bug his office!!! Valerie Swanson uses crushes and violence to manipulate people!!! (See I told you) She creates a simulated crime wave to bankrupt the town and become the mayor!!! However an investigation by the press that involves WIRETAPPING clears the government and Ryan is written back into office!! Oh how I long to do in investigation that involves wiretapping. Later in the series the secret military weapon tht Kidsboro has are STOLEN!!! They have a national flower, bird, and, their own flag!! If Kidsboro was real I would be there every day. There are no places for kids to start wars, create a government, and spy on their frind...