Fake Tech Companies from Audiodramas Ranked

Hello this is The OdysseyBoi and I will be ranking the fictional tech companies in different audio dramas. More may be added to this list. 1. AppleBerry: (Adventures in Odyssey) This is a great name. It combined two iconic North American companies into one. It was unique for the time period and was instantly recognizable. It was also funny. 2. Gaggle This is an okay name, but is is much better than the next on on the list. It combines (Samsung) Galaxy and Apple together. However it is much more convoluted and it takes someone with a knowledge of phones to pull this comparison off. 3. Sunsanggy? In the words of Capitola black "Absolutely Not!!" Just no. Discovery Mountain took Samsung and flipped it for a pair of earbuds in the Season 22 an Arrows Reach. The name is convoluted and it is not that funny. Thanks for Reading!! Jesus Loves You Sin doesn’t go away ...